PO31 8 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

PO31 8 is a postcode sector in Isle of Wight, UK. Below is a complete list of PO31 8 Postcodes (Active). PO31 8 postcode sector comprises of 196 active postcodes. PO31 8 sector has a population of 5823, and it has 2660 properties in the region.

Browse Information On PO31 8 postcode sector

PO31 8 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5823
Addresses / Property Count 2660
Active Postcodes 196
Nearby Postcode Districts 34
Nearby Postcode Sectors 1

View Map Of PO31 8 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 196 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
PO31 8AA 50.74518100 -1.31287100 1 2 448577 94178
PO31 8AB 50.74391900 -1.31203500 36 81 448637 94038
PO31 8AD 50.74236800 -1.31010600 20 44 448775 93867
PO31 8AE 50.74003300 -1.30911900 24 65 448847 93608
PO31 8AF 50.73990200 -1.30978700 46 98 448800 93593
PO31 8AG 50.73850500 -1.31087100 31 73 448725 93437
PO31 8AH 50.74145400 -1.31072800 9 20 448732 93765
PO31 8AJ 50.74203700 -1.31195300 46 100 448645 93829
PO31 8AL 50.74168700 -1.31211400 14 26 448634 93790
PO31 8AN 50.74041300 -1.31118300 40 85 448701 93649
PO31 8AP 50.74891000 -1.30446300 N/A N/A 449166 94598
PO31 8AQ 50.73937600 -1.31217600 16 51 448632 93533
PO31 8AR 50.73915600 -1.31261500 4 11 448601 93508
PO31 8AS 50.74299300 -1.31252000 33 68 448604 93935
PO31 8AT 50.74347600 -1.31313300 18 38 448560 93988
PO31 8AU 50.76668700 -1.30870900 7 11 448848 96572
PO31 8AW 50.74017800 -1.31239100 13 32 448616 93622
PO31 8AX 50.75883200 -1.32322900 1 2 447832 95689
PO31 8AY 50.76439500 -1.30472000 24 49 449132 96320
PO31 8AZ 50.76183400 -1.30491400 22 48 449121 96035
PO31 8BA 50.76544400 -1.31319800 6 14 448533 96431
PO31 8BB 50.76680200 -1.30411800 7 9 449172 96588
PO31 8BD 50.76623400 -1.30366800 7 9 449204 96525
PO31 8BE 50.76611300 -1.30296000 6 10 449254 96512
PO31 8BF 50.74912100 -1.30548500 N/A N/A 449094 94621
PO31 8BG 50.76599000 -1.30483400 4 5 449122 96497
PO31 8BH 50.76612800 -1.30687400 9 13 448978 96511
PO31 8BJ 50.76676500 -1.30691200 2 4 448975 96582
PO31 8BL 50.76641500 -1.30870300 1 3 448849 96542
PO31 8BN 50.76585600 -1.30967100 41 85 448781 96479
PO31 8BP 50.76572100 -1.31259400 14 48 448575 96462
PO31 8BQ 50.76632400 -1.30396900 12 19 449183 96535
PO31 8BS 50.76601000 -1.31739700 8 17 448236 96491
PO31 8BT 50.76578800 -1.31636500 57 74 448309 96467
PO31 8BU 50.76607400 -1.31182800 N/A N/A 448629 96502
PO31 8BW 50.76692200 -1.31066700 33 61 448710 96597
PO31 8BX 50.74546700 -1.30797700 N/A N/A 448922 94213
PO31 8BY 50.76666200 -1.30303700 N/A N/A 449248 96573
PO31 8BZ 50.76378800 -1.32221200 N/A N/A 447899 96241
PO31 8DA 50.76537600 -1.30298600 8 21 449253 96430
PO31 8DB 50.76583600 -1.30349400 1 3 449217 96481
PO31 8DD 50.76563700 -1.30638900 4 11 449013 96457
PO31 8DE 50.76516000 -1.30755500 8 14 448931 96403
PO31 8DF 50.76563500 -1.30875300 5 21 448846 96455
PO31 8DG 50.76560800 -1.30905600 1 6 448825 96452
PO31 8DH 50.76541100 -1.31030200 5 7 448737 96429
PO31 8DJ 50.76493400 -1.31025200 4 9 448741 96376
PO31 8DL 50.76480000 -1.31231500 1 2 448596 96360
PO31 8DN 50.76499900 -1.31256700 3 6 448578 96382
PO31 8DP 50.76332800 -1.31744000 27 60 448236 96193
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